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Press Dossier   By Date  30/06/2024
Saudi car industry speeds up growth amid push to be a production hub
Saudi Arabia’s automotive industry is experiencing significant growth, driven by government-led initiatives, a strategic geographical location, and ambitious plans to become a manufacturing hub.
Saudi Arabia’s logistics sector pioneering pathways for global connectivity
Saudi Arabia’s logistics sector has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, fueled by visionary initiatives like Vision 2030 and the National Industrial Strategy. As the sector continues to evolve, what groundbreaking strategies will drive it forward?
Saudi Arabia eyes global halal market lead
Saudi Arabia stands at the forefront of the global halal product industry, capitalizing on its unique status as the birthplace of Islam, thus earning the trust of around 2 billion Muslims worldwide.
13,445 violators of immigration and residency laws arrested
A joint field campaign to monitor and apprehend violators of residency, work, and border-security laws in all regions of the Kingdom, carried out from June 20 to 26, has resulted in the arrests of 13,445 people.
Implementing excise tax in Kuwait
The economy of Kuwait, as is the case with the other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) economies, is known for its hydrocarbon wealth. However, as Kuwait strives for diversification and fiscal sustainability, taxation has become an increasingly important tool. One key area is excise tax, a form of indirect tax levied on specific goods, i.e. excise goods.
Security boosted in all domains
First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Minister of Interior Sheikh Fahad Al-Yousef Al-Sabah affirmed Wednesday the political leadership’s will to develop the capabilities of Kuwait’s armed forces across the board. Sheikh Fahad’s statements were made during a ceremony to take the delivery of two Caracal helicopters at Kuwait International Airport.
PACI, Zain ink collaboration deal
The Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) and Mobile Telecommunications Company - Zain announced the signing of a collaboration agreement. This partnership will integrate PACI’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS) portal and ‘Kuwait Finder’ services with Zain’s systems, allowing the company to significantly improve its customer service efficiency across multiple levels.
Kuwait, Russia sign accords for legal cooperation
The State of Kuwait, represented by the Ministry of Justice, signed with Russia on Friday two agreements for judicial and legal cooperation.
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