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Minister of Health Resolution No. 31 of 2022 Reappointing the Members of Supervision and Care Committee and its Regulations

Minister of Health Resolution No. 31 of 2022 Reappointing the Members of Supervision and Care Committee and its Regulations

Ministry of Health Resolution No. 21 of 2022 amending Resolution No. 30 of 2017 Regulating the Medical Examination for Expatriates

Replace the definition of "expatriate" in article (1) of Decree No. (30) of 2017 on the organization of medical examination of expatriates with the following definition:

Decree No. (13) of 2022 Establishing and Forming Bahrain Council for Health Studies and Specialties

Decree No. (13) of 2022 Establishing and Forming Bahrain Council for Health Studies and Specialties

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (7) of 2022 regarding quarantine and the method of its implementation for people infected with the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (7) of 2022

Ministry of Health Decision No. (3) of 2022 to continue to apply the provisions of Decision No. (113) of 2021 to determine the applicable level of the updated health requirements guide for the working mechanism of the light signal for the level of spread of the emerging corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (3) of 2022 to continue to apply the provisions of Decision No. (113) of 2021 to determine the applicable level of the updated health requirements guide for the working mechanism of the light signal for the level of spread of the emerging corona virus (COVID-19)

Prime Minister Resolution No. (69) of 2021 amending the list of allied medical professions issued by Resolution No. (24) of 2016

Prime Minister Resolution No. (69) of 2021

Royal Decree No. (51) of 2021 regarding transferring the affiliation of the Mohammed bin Khalifa Cardiac Specialist Center to the Bahrain Defense Force

Royal Decree No. (51) of 2021 regarding transferring the affiliation of the Mohammed bin Khalifa Cardiac Specialist Center to the Bahrain Defense Force

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (113) of 2021 to Determine the Required Level of the Updated Health Requirements Guide for the Mechanism of Work of the Light Signal for the Level of Spread of The Emerging Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (113) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (108) of 2021 continuing to enforce the provisions of Resolution No. (47) of 2020 regarding stopping the collection of fees for general medical advice contained in Resolution No. (2) of 2017 regarding fees for health services for non-Bahrainis

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (108) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (91) of 2021 determining the applicable level of the health requirements guide for the working mechanism of the light signal for the level of spread of the novel corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (91) of 2021

Supreme Council of Health Resolution No. (51) of 2021 issuing the financial regulation for government health institutions

Supreme Council of Health Resolution No. (51) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (90) of 2021 continuing the implementation the provisions of Resolution No. (47) of 2020 regarding stopping the collection of fees for general medical consultancy contained in Resolution No. (2) of 2017 regarding health services fees for non-Bahrainis

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (90) of 2021

Supreme Council of Health Resolution No. (52) of 2021 issuing a Regulation regulating personnel affairs in government health institutions

Supreme Council of Health Resolution No. (52) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (89) of 2021 determining the applicable level of the health requirements guide for the mechanism of work of the light signal for the level of spread of the emerging corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (89) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (85) of 2021 amending the health requirements guide for the mechanism of the light signal to the level of spread of the emerging corona virus (COVID-19) approved by Resolution No. (76) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (85) of 2021

Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Resolution No. (189) of 2021 regarding preventive measures against epidemic and animal and common infectious diseases

Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Resolution No. (189) of 2021 regarding preventive measures against epidemic and animal and common infectious diseases

Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Resolution No. (70) of 2021 amending the organizational guide for the Great Bahrain Competition for Memorizing the Holy Qur’an, its recitation and interpretation issued by Resolution No. (30) of 2009

Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Resolution No. (70) of 2021

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (22) of 2021 Regarding the Examination of Expatriate Workers in Licensed Private Health Institutions

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (22) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (83) of 2021 determining the applicable level of the health requirements guide for the working mechanism of the light signal for the level of spread of the emerging corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (83) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (82) of 2021 determining the applicable level of the health requirements guide for the working mechanism of the light signal for the level of spread of the emerging corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (82) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (76) of 2021 adopting the health requirements guide for the mechanism of the light signal for the level of spread of the emerging corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (76) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (77) of 2021 to determine the applicable level of the health requirements guide for the working mechanism of the light signal for the level of spread of the emerging corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (77) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (71) of 2021 postponing the implementation of Resolution No. (15) of 2020 regarding the organization of periodic medical examination for workers in industrial and commercial stores related to public health

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (71) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (70) of 2021 continuing to apply the provisions of Resolution No. (47) of 2020 regarding stopping the collection of fees for general medical advice contained in Resolution No. (2) of 2017 regarding fees for health services for non-Bahrainis

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (70) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (69) of 2021 continuing to apply the provisions of some decisions issued to contain and prevent the spread of the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (69) of 2021

Decree No. (69) of 2021 appointing Dr. Raysan Hammoud Al-Badran as a member of the Supreme Council of Health

Decree No. (69) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (63) of 2021 amending the Health Requirements to be applied in recreational game facilities and stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) accompanying Resolution No. (48) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (63) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (64) of 2021 amending the Health Requirements to be applied in restaurants and cafes to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) accompanying Resolution No. (51) of 2020

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (64) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (60) of 2021 amending the Health Requirements to be applied to showrooms in cinemas to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) accompanying Resolution No. (47) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (60) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (59) of 2021 to amend the health requirements contained in the guideline for the return of the masses to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) approved by Resolution No. (46) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (59) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (65) of 2021 amending the Health Requirements that must be met in barber and beauty shops to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (32) of 2020

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (65) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (66) of 2021 amending Resolution No. (38) of 2020 regarding Health Requirements and procedures to be followed in commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (66) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (62) of 2021 amending Resolution No. (51) of 2021 regarding the Health Requirements to be applied when holding events and events to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (62) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (61) of 2021 amending the health requirements to be applied in facilities that contain pools and swimming pools to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) accompanying Resolution No. (46) of 2020

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (61) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (57) of 2021 amending the health requirements to be applied in massage shops to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (44) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (57) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (67) of 2021 regarding home health isolation procedures and the method of implementing it for those infected and suspected of being infected with the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (67) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (58) of 2021 amendingthe health requirements contained in the updated guideline for the return of sports activity for health clubs, sports academies and outdoor stadiums to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) approved by Resolution No. (45) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (58) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (56) of 2021 amending the health requirements to be applied to restaurants and cafes that serve hookah to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (68) of 2020

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (56) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (54) of 2021 amending the health requirements to be applied in restaurants and cafes to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (51) of 2020

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (54) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (55) of 2021 amending the health requirements to be applied in massage shops to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (44) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (55) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (50) of 2021 to amend Resolution No. (9) of 2021 regarding the health requirements to be applied when holding celebrations and family gatherings in homes and private places to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (50) of 2021 to amend Resolution No. (9) of 2021 regarding the health requirements to be applied when holding celebrations and family gatherings in homes and private places to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (46) of 2021 adopting a guideline for the return of the masses to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (46) of 2021

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (45) of 2021 adopting the updated guideline for the return of sports activity to health clubs, sports academies and outdoor stadiums to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (45) of 2021 adopting the updated guideline for the return of sports activity to health clubs, sports academies and outdoor stadiums to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (53) of 2021 amending Resolution No. (33) of 2021 amending some health requirements that must be met in facilities to contain and prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (53) of 2021 amending Resolution No. (33) of 2021 amending some health requirements that must be met in facilities to contain and prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (52) of 2021 amending the health requirements to be applied in restaurants and cafes to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (51) of 2020

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (52) of 2021 amending the health requirements to be applied in restaurants and cafes to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (51) of 2020

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (49) of 2021 amending the health requirements accompanying Resolution No. (46) of 2020 regarding the health requirements to be applied in facilities that contain ponds and swimming pools to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (49) of 2021 amending the health requirements accompanying Resolution No. (46) of 2020 regarding the health requirements to be applied in facilities that contain ponds and swimming pools to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (43) of 2021 approving documents and certificates issued from outside the Kingdom of Bahrain to contain and prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (43) of 2021 approving documents and certificates issued from outside the Kingdom of Bahrain to contain and prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (44) of 2021 regarding the health requirements to be applied in massage field to contain and prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (44) of 2021 regarding the health requirements to be applied in massage field to contain and prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (46) of 2021 adopting a guideline for the return of the masses to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (46) of 2021 adopting a guideline for the return of the masses to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (48) of 2021 regarding the health requirements to be applied in recreational game facilities and shops to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (48) of 2021 regarding the health requirements to be applied in recreational game facilities and shops to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (47) of 2021 regarding the health requirements to be applied to showrooms and cinemas to contain and prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (47) of 2021 regarding the health requirements to be applied to showrooms and cinemas to contain and prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (51) of 2021 regarding the health requirements to be applied when holding occasions and events to contain and prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (51) of 2021 regarding the health requirements to be applied when holding occasions and events to contain and prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Supreme Council of Health Resolution No. (23) of 2021 issuing a regulation of licensing requirements for government health institutions and their oversight

Supreme Council of Health Resolution No. (23) of 2021 issuing a regulation of licensing requirements for government health institutions and their oversight

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (5) of 2021 regarding the rules for the work of boards of trustees and the limits of their responsibility for managing the affairs of the governmental health institution

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (5) of 2021 regarding the rules for the work of boards of trustees and the limits of their responsibility for managing the affairs of the governmental health institution

National Authority for Regulating Health Professions and Services Circular No. (6) of 2021 regarding the control of medicines subject to partial control

National Authority for Regulating Health Professions and Services Circular No. (6) of 2021 regarding the control of medicines subject to partial control

Ministry of Health Decision No. (33) of 2021 to amend some health requirements that must be met in facilities to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (covid-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (33) of 2021 to amend some health requirements that must be met in facilities to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (covid-19)

Decree No. (26) of 2021 reorganizing the Ministry of Health

Decree No. (26) of 2021 reorganizing the Ministry of Health

Decree No. (26) of 2021 reorganizing the Ministry of Health

Decree No. (26) of 2021 reorganizing the Ministry of Health

Ministry of Health Decision No. (24) of 2021 amending Resolution No. (20) of 2016 regarding determining the categories of fees for private health institutions

Ministry of Health Decision No. (24) of 2021 amending Resolution No. (20) of 2016 regarding determining the categories of fees for private health institutions

Ministry of Health Decision No. (22) of 2021 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (64) of 2020 regarding some preventive measures that must be taken when purchasing some goods from commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (covid-19) until May 31, 2021

Ministry of Health Decision No. (22) of 2021 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (64) of 2020 regarding some preventive measures that must be taken when purchasing some goods from commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (covid-19) until May 31, 2021

Ministry of Health Decision No. (21) of 2021 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (39) of 2020 regarding social distancing measures to be taken in commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (covid-19) until May 31, 2021

Ministry of Health Decision No. (21) of 2021 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (39) of 2020 regarding social distancing measures to be taken in commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (covid-19) until May 31, 2021

Ministry of Health Decision No. 23 of 2021 regarding the continuation of the provisions of Resolution No. 47 of 2020 regarding suspending the collection of fees for general medical consultations contained in Resolution No. 2 of 2017 regarding health services fees for non-Bahrainis until May 31, 2021 AD

Ministry of Health Decision No. 23 of 2021 regarding the continuation of the provisions of Resolution No. 47 of 2020 regarding suspending the collection of fees for general medical consultations contained in Resolution No. 2 of 2017 regarding health services fees for non-Bahrainis until May 31, 2021 AD

Ministry of Health Decision No. (20) of 2021 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (38) of 2020 regarding the health requirements and procedures that must be followed in commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (covid-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (20) of 2021 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (38) of 2020 regarding the health requirements and procedures that must be followed in commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (covid-19)

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. 4 of 2021 regarding the registration of all medical devices and supplies during the next five years

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. 4 of 2021 regarding the registration of all medical devices and supplies during the next five years

Ministry of Health Decision No. (13) of 2021 to issue the executive regulations for the Public Health Law promulgated by Law No. (34) of 2018

Ministry of Health Decision No. (13) of 2021 to issue the executive regulations for the Public Health Law promulgated by Law No. (34) of 2018

Ministry of Health Decision No. (9) of 2021 regarding health requirements that must be applied when holding celebrations and family gatherings in private homes and places to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (9) of 2021 regarding health requirements that must be applied when holding celebrations and family gatherings in private homes and places to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Decision of the Supreme Council of Health No. (1) of 2021 to amend Resolution No. (29) of 2020 regarding the regulation of the health professions practice examinations law at the National Authority for Regulating Health Professions and Services

Decision of the Supreme Council of Health No. (1) of 2021 to amend Resolution No. (29) of 2020 regarding the regulation of the health professions practice examinations law at the National Authority for Regulating Health Professions and Services

Ministry of Health Decision No. (6) for the year 2021 defining vaccinations and approved vaccines, organizing their requirements, methods of preserving them, documenting related information and conditions that must be met in health institutions that provide vaccination services

Ministry of Health Decision No. (6) for the year 2021 defining vaccinations and approved vaccines, organizing their requirements, methods of preserving them, documenting related information and conditions that must be met in health institutions that provide vaccination services

Decision of the Ministry of Health No. (5) of 2021 to postpone the date of implementation of Resolution No. (15) of 2020 regarding the organization of periodic medical examination for workers in industrial and commercial establishments related to public health

Decision of the Ministry of Health No. (5) of 2021 to postpone the date of implementation of Resolution No. (15) of 2020 regarding the organization of periodic medical examination for workers in industrial and commercial establishments related to public health

Circular No. 12 of 2019 of the National Organization of Health Professions and Health Services applying non-dependent medical interventions to patients

Circular No. 12 of 2019 of the National Organization of Health Professions and Health Services applying non-dependent medical interventions to patients

Ministry of Health Decision No. (88) of 2020 to continue work and amend Resolution No. (64) of 2020 regarding some preventive measures that must be taken when purchasing some goods from commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (88) of 2020 to continue work and amend Resolution No. (64) of 2020 regarding some preventive measures that must be taken when purchasing some goods from commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (87) of 2020 regarding the continuation of the provisions of Resolution No. (47) of 2020 regarding the suspension of the collection of fees for medical consultations by the currency mentioned in Resolution No. (2) of 2017 regarding health services fees for non-Bahrainis

Ministry of Health Decision No. (87) of 2020 regarding the continuation of the provisions of Resolution No. (47) of 2020 regarding the suspension of the collection of fees for medical consultations by the currency mentioned in Resolution No. (2) of 2017 regarding health services fees for non-Bahrainis

Ministry of Health Decision No. (86) of 2020 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (39) of 2020 regarding social distancing measures that must be taken in commercial and industrial shops to prevent the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (86) of 2020 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (39) of 2020 regarding social distancing measures that must be taken in commercial and industrial shops to prevent the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (85) of 2020 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (38) of 2020 regarding health requirements and procedures that must be followed in commercial and industrial stores to prevent the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (85) of 2020 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (38) of 2020 regarding health requirements and procedures that must be followed in commercial and industrial stores to prevent the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19)

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (48) of 2020 regarding quality control of medical devices and products

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (48) of 2020 regarding quality control of medical devices and products

Ministry of Health Decision No. (81) of 2020 AD amending the health requirements accompanying Resolution No. (32) of 2020 AD regarding the health requirements that must be met in hairdressing and beauty shops to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (81) of 2020 AD amending the health requirements accompanying Resolution No. (32) of 2020 AD regarding the health requirements that must be met in hairdressing and beauty shops to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (78) of 2020 regarding health regulations for preliminary and preventive medical examinations for workers exposed to occupational diseases

Ministry of Health Decision No. (78) of 2020 regarding health regulations for preliminary and preventive medical examinations for workers exposed to occupational diseases

Ministry of Health Decision No. (76) for the year 2020 regarding health conditions and specifications for workers' accommodation

Ministry of Health Decision No. (76) for the year 2020 regarding health conditions and specifications for workers' accommodation

Ministry of Health Decision No. (77) of 2020 regarding health requirements for licensing health institutions to practice primary and periodic medical examination for workers

Ministry of Health Decision No. (77) of 2020 regarding health requirements for licensing health institutions to practice primary and periodic medical examination for workers

Ministry of Health Decision No. (75) of 2020 regarding the health requirements that must be met in treated wastewater

Ministry of Health Decision No. (75) of 2020 regarding the health requirements that must be met in treated wastewater

Ministry of Health Decision No. (74) of 2020 regarding the health requirements that must be met in non-bottled drinking water and methods of testing them

Ministry of Health Decision No. (74) of 2020 regarding the health requirements that must be met in non-bottled drinking water and methods of testing them

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. 47 of 2020 regarding renewal of licenses for practitioners of health professions for half the hours of continuing professional education

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. 47 of 2020 regarding renewal of licenses for practitioners of health professions for half the hours of continuing professional education

Ministry of Health Decision No. (69) of 2020 amending the health requirements that must be applied in restaurants and cafes to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (51) of 2020

Ministry of Health Decision No. (69) of 2020 amending the health requirements that must be applied in restaurants and cafes to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (51) of 2020

Ministry of Health Decision No. (68) of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be applied to restaurants and cafes that provide hookahs to contain and prevent the spread of the Novel Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (68) of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be applied to restaurants and cafes that provide hookahs to contain and prevent the spread of the Novel Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (67) of 2020 amending the health requirements that must be applied in restaurants and cafes to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (51) of 2020

Ministry of Health Decision No. (67) of 2020 amending the health requirements that must be applied in restaurants and cafes to contain and prevent the spread of the novel Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (51) of 2020

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (44) of 2020 regarding the control of partially controlled medicines

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (44) of 2020 regarding the control of partially controlled medicines

Ministry of Health Decision No. (65) of 2020 issuing the executive regulations for Decree-Law No. (16) of 1998 regarding the transfer and transplantation of human organs

Ministry of Health Decision No. (65) of 2020 issuing the executive regulations for Decree-Law No. (16) of 1998 regarding the transfer and transplantation of human organs

Ministry of Health Decision No. (64) of 2020 regarding some preventive measures that must be taken when purchasing some goods from commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (64) of 2020 regarding some preventive measures that must be taken when purchasing some goods from commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (61) of 2020 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (38) of 2020 regarding the health requirements and procedures that must be followed in commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the emerging Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (61) of 2020 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (38) of 2020 regarding the health requirements and procedures that must be followed in commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the emerging Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (62) of 2020 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (39) of 2020 regarding social distancing measures to be taken in commercial and industrial shops to contain and prevent the spread of the emerging Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (62) of 2020 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. (39) of 2020 regarding social distancing measures to be taken in commercial and industrial shops to contain and prevent the spread of the emerging Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 63 of 2020 regarding the continuation of the provisions of Resolution No. 47 of 2020 regarding suspending the collection of fees for general medical consultations contained in Resolution No. 2 of 2017 regarding health services fees for non-Bahrainis

Ministry of Health Decision No. 63 of 2020 regarding the continuation of the provisions of Resolution No. 47 of 2020 regarding suspending the collection of fees for general medical consultations contained in Resolution No. 2 of 2017 regarding health services fees for non-Bahrainis

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (41) of 2020 regulating primary health care centers

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (41) of 2020 regulating primary health care centers

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (42) of 2020 regulating government hospitals

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (42) of 2020 regulating government hospitals

National Authority for Regulating Professions and Health Services Circular No. (40) of 2020 regarding the control of partially controlled medicines

National Authority for Regulating Professions and Health Services Circular No. (40) of 2020 regarding the control of partially controlled medicines

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (39) of 2020 regarding the need to register representatives accredited to the authority

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (39) of 2020 regarding the need to register representatives accredited to the authority

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. 38 of 2020 changing or terminating the medical director contract

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. 38 of 2020 changing or terminating the medical director contract

Ministry of Health Decision No. (58) of 2020 amending the health requirements that must be applied in restaurants and cafes to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (51) of 2020

Ministry of Health Decision No. (58) of 2020 amending the health requirements that must be applied in restaurants and cafes to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19) issued by Resolution No. (51) of 2020

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (37) of 2020 accepting only listed medical devices for new registration applications

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (37) of 2020 accepting only listed medical devices for new registration applications

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 33 of 2020 issuing a regulation of requirements and procedures for licensing health institutions for drug addiction treatment, rehabilitation and rehabilitation of addicts

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 33 of 2020 issuing a regulation of requirements and procedures for licensing health institutions for drug addiction treatment, rehabilitation and rehabilitation of addicts

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (36) of 2020 regarding a certificate of suitability for travel from COVID-19

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (36) of 2020 regarding a certificate of suitability for travel from COVID-19

Ministry of Health Decision No. (53) of 2020 adopting the guidelines for the return of sports activity for health clubs, sports academies and outdoor stadiums to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (53) of 2020 adopting the guidelines for the return of sports activity for health clubs, sports academies and outdoor stadiums to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (52) of 2020 amending Resolution No. (46) of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be applied in facilities that contain ponds and swimming pools to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (52) of 2020 amending Resolution No. (46) of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be applied in facilities that contain ponds and swimming pools to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (51) of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be applied in restaurants and cafes to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (51) of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be applied in restaurants and cafes to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (50) of 2020 postponing the date of implementation of Resolution No. (15) of 2020 regarding the regulation of periodic medical examination for workers in industrial and commercial establishments related to public health

Ministry of Health Decision No. (50) of 2020 postponing the date of implementation of Resolution No. (15) of 2020 regarding the regulation of periodic medical examination for workers in industrial and commercial establishments related to public health

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (32) of 2020 issuing a regulation for registering medicines and pharmaceutical preparations, setting their prices and announcing them

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (32) of 2020 issuing a regulation for registering medicines and pharmaceutical preparations, setting their prices and announcing them

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. 32 of 2020 regarding the practice of cosmetic interventions

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. 32 of 2020 regarding the practice of cosmetic interventions

Ministry of Health Decision No. 48 of 2020 amending Resolution No. 25 of 2020 regarding health isolation and the method for implementing it for people infected and suspected of having the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 48 of 2020 amending Resolution No. 25 of 2020 regarding health isolation and the method for implementing it for people infected and suspected of having the emerging coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 47 of 2020 regarding suspending the collection of fees for general medical consultations contained in Resolution No. 2 of 2017 regarding fees for health services for non-Bahrainis

Ministry of Health Decision No. 47 of 2020 regarding suspending the collection of fees for general medical consultations contained in Resolution No. 2 of 2017 regarding fees for health services for non-Bahrainis

Ministry of Health Decision No. 46 of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be applied in facilities that contain ponds and swimming pools to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 46 of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be applied in facilities that contain ponds and swimming pools to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. 30 of 2020 regarding the entry of internship doctors (graduates of local universities) to the licensing exam

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. 30 of 2020 regarding the entry of internship doctors (graduates of local universities) to the licensing exam

Ministry of Health Decision No. 40 of 2020 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. 28 of 2020 regarding some preventive measures that must be taken when purchasing some goods from commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 40 of 2020 to continue implementing the provisions of Resolution No. 28 of 2020 regarding some preventive measures that must be taken when purchasing some goods from commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 38 of 2020 regarding the health conditions and procedures that must be followed in commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 38 of 2020 regarding the health conditions and procedures that must be followed in commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 39 of 2020 regarding social distancing measures to be taken in commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 39 of 2020 regarding social distancing measures to be taken in commercial and industrial stores to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 37 of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be applied in facilities that contain beaches to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 37 of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be applied in facilities that contain beaches to contain and prevent the spread of the new Corona virus (COVID-19)

National Authority for Regulating Professions and Health Services Circular No. (28) of 2020 regarding the entry of excellent internship Doctors to the licensing examination

National Authority for Regulating Professions and Health Services Circular No. (28) of 2020 regarding the entry of excellent internship Doctors to the licensing examination

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (26) of 2020 regarding practicing Auxiliary health professions examinations

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (26) of 2020 regarding practicing Auxiliary health professions examinations

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 29 of 2020 regarding the regulation of the system of examinations for the exercise of health professions in the National Authority for the Regulation of Health Professions and Services

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 29 of 2020 regarding the regulation of the system of examinations for the exercise of health professions in the National Authority for the Regulation of Health Professions and Services

Ministry of Health Decision No. 36 of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be met in external cinema facilities intended for cars to contain and prevent the spread of the Corona virus emerging (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 36 of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be met in external cinema facilities intended for cars to contain and prevent the spread of the Corona virus emerging (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (33) of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be met in facilities that provide external training activities to contain and prevent the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (33) of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be met in facilities that provide external training activities to contain and prevent the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (32) of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be met in barber and beauty shops to contain and prevent the spread of the Corona virus emerging (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (32) of 2020 regarding health requirements that must be met in barber and beauty shops to contain and prevent the spread of the Corona virus emerging (COVID-19)

Circular of the National Authority for the Regulation of Health Professions and Services No. (23) of 2020 to resume the provision of all treatment services in all private health institutions

Circular of the National Authority for the Regulation of Health Professions and Services No. (23) of 2020 to resume the provision of all treatment services in all private health institutions

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (20) of 2020 to temporarily stop providing some unnecessary medical services and procedures in all private health institutions

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (20) of 2020 to temporarily stop providing some unnecessary medical services and procedures in all private health institutions

Ministry of Health Decision No. (28) of 2020 regarding some preventive measures to be taken when purchasing some goods from commercial and industrial shops to contain and prevent the spread of the Corona virus emerging (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (28) of 2020 regarding some preventive measures to be taken when purchasing some goods from commercial and industrial shops to contain and prevent the spread of the Corona virus emerging (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. 27 of 2020 stopping the collection of the general medical consultation fee stipulated in Resolution No. 2 of 2017 regarding health service fees for non-Bahrainis

Ministry of Health Decision No. 27 of 2020 stopping the collection of the general medical consultation fee stipulated in Resolution No. 2 of 2017 regarding health service fees for non-Bahrainis

Ministry of Health Decision No. (26) of 2020 regarding social divergence measures to be taken in commercial and industrial places to contain and prevent the spread of Novel Corona virus (COVID- 19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (26) of 2020 regarding social divergence measures to be taken in commercial and industrial places to contain and prevent the spread of Novel Corona virus (COVID- 19)

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (19) of 2020 to extend the period of temporary suspension from providing some unnecessary medical services and procedures in all private health institutions

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (19) of 2020 to extend the period of temporary suspension from providing some unnecessary medical services and procedures in all private health institutions

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (18) of 2020 to temporarily stop providing unnecessary medical services and procedures in treating childbearing delay in all health institutions

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (18) of 2020 to temporarily stop providing unnecessary medical services and procedures in treating childbearing delay in all health institutions

Ministry of Health Decision No. (25) of 2020 regarding health isolation and the way it is implemented for infected and suspected persons infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (25) of 2020 regarding health isolation and the way it is implemented for infected and suspected persons infected with the coronavirus (COVID-19)

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (17) of 2020 regarding the manuals for hand sanitizers

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (17) of 2020 regarding the manuals for hand sanitizers

Ministry of Health Decision No. (24) of 2020 regarding health conditions and procedures that must be followed in commercial and industrial shops to contain and prevent the spread of the Corona virus emerging (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Decision No. (24) of 2020 regarding health conditions and procedures that must be followed in commercial and industrial shops to contain and prevent the spread of the Corona virus emerging (COVID-19)

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (15) of 2020 to temporarily stop providing some unnecessary medical services and procedures in dentistry, skin, plastic surgery and some alternative medicine services in all private health institutions

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (15) of 2020 to temporarily stop providing some unnecessary medical services and procedures in dentistry, skin, plastic surgery and some alternative medicine services in all private health institutions

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (12) of 2020 to renew the licenses of practitioners of health professions without the need to provide hours of continuing professional education and medical examination

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (12) of 2020 to renew the licenses of practitioners of health professions without the need to provide hours of continuing professional education and medical examination

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. 33 of 2020 regarding regulations for online medical education and continuing professional development activities

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. 33 of 2020 regarding regulations for online medical education and continuing professional development activities

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (8) of 2020 regarding transferring critical cases to Salmaniya Medical Complex

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (8) of 2020 regarding transferring critical cases to Salmaniya Medical Complex

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority (11) of 2020 to suspend the delivery of health professions licenses manually

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority (11) of 2020 to suspend the delivery of health professions licenses manually

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (9) of 2020 to stop handing over licenses to health institutions manually

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (9) of 2020 to stop handing over licenses to health institutions manually

Circular No. 7 of 2020 of the National Health Regulatory Authority on COVID-19 rapid test device for research purposes only and not for examination

Circular No. 7 of 2020 of the National Health Regulatory Authority on COVID-19 rapid test device for research purposes only and not for examination

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (5) of 2020 regarding facilitating the process of requesting health professionals’ licenses

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (5) of 2020 regarding facilitating the process of requesting health professionals’ licenses

Resolution No. 53 of 2020 of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs regarding the re-registration of the Bahrain Fencing Federation to the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs

Resolution No. 53 of 2020 of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs regarding the re-registration of the Bahrain Fencing Federation to the Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (4) of 2020 regarding stamps for doctors

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (4) of 2020 regarding stamps for doctors

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (3) of 2020 regarding the medical examination note form for health professionals

Circular of the National Health Regulatory Authority No. (3) of 2020 regarding the medical examination note form for health professionals

Ministry of Health Decision No. (13) of 2020 regarding preventive measures, isolation and treatment of communicable diseases

Ministry of Health Decision No. (13) of 2020 regarding preventive measures, isolation and treatment of communicable diseases

Ministry of Health Decision No. (14) of 2020 determining commercial and industrial shops related to public health and the jobs in which they are practiced

Ministry of Health Decision No. (14) of 2020 determining commercial and industrial shops related to public health and the jobs in which they are practiced

Ministry of Health Decision No. (12) of 2020 fixing communicable diseases

Ministry of Health Decision No. (12) of 2020 fixing communicable diseases

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (10) for the year 2020 to establish and form a national medical team to deal with the emerging corona virus

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (10) for the year 2020 to establish and form a national medical team to deal with the emerging corona virus

Supreme Health Council Decision No. (10) of 2020 establishing and forming a national medical team to deal with the emerging corona virus

Supreme Health Council Decision No. (10) of 2020

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (5) Of 2020 on canceling the fees imposed on some of the services mentioned in Resolution No. (17) of 2016 on determining the categories of fees for licenses and services of the National Organization for profession and Health Services

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (5) Of 2020 on canceling the fees imposed on some of the services mentioned in Resolution No. (17) of 2016 on determining the categories of fees for licenses and services of the National Organization for profession and Health Services

Ministry of Health Decision No. (6) of 2020 on the re-formation of the accountability committee of the National Organization for Health Professions and Services

Ministry of Health Decision No. (6) of 2020 on the re-formation of the accountability committee of the National Organization for Health Professions and Services

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 95 of 2019 regarding the investigation of medical professional errors and reporting of accidental and serious accidents in health institutions

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 95 of 2019 regarding the investigation of medical professional errors and reporting of accidental and serious accidents in health institutions

Ministry of Health Decision No. 32 of 2019 regarding the Appeal Medical Committee

Ministry of Health Decision No. 32 of 2019 regarding the Appeal Medical Committee

Ministry of Health Decision No. 31 of 2019 regarding general medical committees

Ministry of Health Decision No. 31 of 2019 regarding general medical committees

Circular No. 11 of 2019 for the National Organization of Health Professions and Health Services licensing health units of private educational institutions

Circular No. 11 of 2019 for the National Organization of Health Professions and Health Services licensing health units of private educational institutions

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 12 of 2019 Establishing the National Committee to Combat Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 12 of 2019 Establishing the National Committee to Combat Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 59 of 2019 determining hospital obligations in the system of responding to the services of the National Ambulance Center for emergency cases

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 59 of 2019 determining hospital obligations in the system of responding to the services of the National Ambulance Center for emergency cases

Ministry of Health Decision No. 18 of 2019 issuing the executive regulations of Law No. 1 of 2017 on protecting society against AIDS, and protecting the rights of people living with it

Ministry of Health Decision No. 18 of 2019 issuing the executive regulations of Law No. 1 of 2017 on protecting society against AIDS, and protecting the rights of people living with it

Royal Decree No. (35) of 2019 regulating the relationship of the Bahrain Defense Force with the Supreme Council of Health and the Health Insurance Fund

Royal Decree No. (35) of 2019 regulating the relationship of the Bahrain Defense Force with the Supreme Council of Health and the Health Insurance Fund

Royal Decree No. (35) of 2019 regulating the relationship of the Bahrain Defense Force with the Supreme Council of Health and the Health Insurance Fund

Royal Decree No. (35) of 2019 regulating the relationship of the Bahrain Defense Force with the Supreme Council of Health and the Health Insurance Fund

Ministry of Works, Municipal Affairs, and Urban Planning Decision No. 133 of 2019 prohibiting the import, export, marketing, circulation or sale of steroid

Ministry of Works, Municipal Affairs, and Urban Planning Decision No. 133 of 2019 prohibiting the import, export, marketing, circulation or sale of steroid

National Authority for the Regulation of Health Professions and Services No. 9 of 2019 concerning licenses for practitioners of health professions

National Authority for the Regulation of Health Professions and Services No. 9 of 2019 concerning licenses for practitioners of health professions

Decree No. (44) of 2019 on the formation of the boards of trustees of government hospitals and primary health care centers

Decree No. (44) of 2019 on the formation of the boards of trustees of government hospitals and primary health care centers

Decision of the Chairman of the Supreme Council of Health No. (49) of 2019 regarding the restructuring of the Advisory Committee for Human Medicine

Decision of the Chairman of the Supreme Council of Health No. (49) of 2019 regarding the restructuring of the Advisory Committee for Human Medicine

Law No. 7 for the year 2019 regulating the registration of births and deaths

The provisions of this Law shall apply to births and deaths occurring within the Kingdom and to Bahraini nationals in the event they are outside the Kingdom.

Decree No. 37 of 2019 Nomination of the Minister for Health Insurance Law promulgated by Law No. 23 of 2018

Decree No. 37 of 2019 Nomination of the Minister for Health Insurance Law promulgated by Law No. 23 of 2018

Decision of the Supreme Council of Health No. 43 of 2019 determining the hospitals and primary health care centers to which the Health Insurance Law issued by Law No. 23 of 2018 applies

Decision of the Supreme Council of Health No. 43 of 2019 determining the hospitals and primary health care centers to which the Health Insurance Law issued by Law No. 23 of 2018 applies

Decision of the Prime Minister No. (6) of 2019 on the Restructuring of the National Committee for the Control of Chronic Diseases (Noncommunicable)

Decision of the Prime Minister No. (6) of 2019 on the Restructuring of the National Committee for the Control of Chronic Diseases (Noncommunicable)

Resolution No. 5 of 2019 Renaming the National Committee to Combat Chronic Diseases(Non-communicable)

Resolution No. 5 of 2019 Renaming the National Committee to Combat Chronic Diseases(Non-communicable)

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (22) of 2019 appointing members of the Supreme Council of Health representatives of the concerned authorities

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. (22) of 2019 appointing members of the Supreme Council of Health representatives of the concerned authorities

Decree No. (36) of 2019 on the formation of the Board of Directors of the Health Insurance Fund

Decree No. (36) of 2019 on the formation of the Board of Directors of the Health Insurance Fund

Decree No. 35 of 2019 amending Decree No. 5 of 2013 establishing the Supreme Council of Health

Decree No. 35 of 2019 amending Decree No. 5 of 2013 establishing the Supreme Council of Health

The Health Supreme Council Resolution No. (2) for the year 2019 on the classification of health institutions and the health and technical requirements and safety requirements that must be available in their facilities and equipment

The Health Supreme Council Resolution No. (2) for the year 2019 on the classification of health institutions and the health and technical requirements and safety requirements that must be available in their facilities and equipment

The Ministry of Health Resolution No. (3) for the year 2019 regarding the establishment and formation of a general medical committee to conduct expertise tasks before the courts

The Ministry of Health Resolution No. (3) for the year 2019 regarding the establishment and formation of a general medical committee to conduct expertise tasks before the courts

National Authority for the Regulation of Health Professions and Services No. 13 of 2019 on licenses for health workers in home health care institutions

National Authority for the Regulation of Health Professions and Services No. 13 of 2019 on licenses for health workers in home health care institutions

National Authority for Regulating Health Professions and Services Circular No. (13) of 2017 regarding the technical requirements that must be met for the provision of radiology services in health institutions

National Authority for Regulating Health Professions and Services Circular No. (13) of 2017 regarding the technical requirements that must be met for the provision of radiology services in health institutions

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (12) of 2017 regarding the technical requirements for laboratory services

National Health Regulatory Authority Circular No. (12) of 2017 regarding the technical requirements for laboratory services

Ministerial Resolution No. (226) of 2001 regarding imposing of health fees on the medical prescription

Ministerial Resolution No. (226) of 2001 regarding imposing of health fees on the medical prescription

Ministry of Health Decree No 7 of 2018 on regulating the procedures and controls for the use, marketing and promotion of breast milk substitutes

Ministry of Health Decree No 7 of 2018 on regulating the procedures and controls for the use, marketing and promotion of breast milk substitutes

Health requirements for gymnasiums

Health requirements for gymnasiums

Health requirements for hotels and furnished hotel apartments

Health requirements for hotels and furnished hotel apartments

Health requirements of educational institutions

Health requirements of educational institutions

Health requirements for hairdressing, beauty and massage salons

Health requirements for hairdressing, beauty and massage salons

Supreme Council of Health Decree No 41 of 2018 on amending Article 6 of the Ordinances regulating the work of the Supreme Council of Health and the formation and organisation of the Technical Council

Supreme Council of Health Decree No 41 of 2018 on amending Article 6 of the Ordinances regulating the work of the Supreme Council of Health and the formation and organisation of the Technical Council

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 47 of 2018 regarding the amendment of some provisions of Decree No. 26 of 2016 on the evaluation and accreditation of private hospitals

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 47 of 2018 regarding the amendment of some provisions of Decree No. 26 of 2016 on the evaluation and accreditation of private hospitals

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 48 of 2018 on standards for assessing the quality of health services, and models of indicators for measuring the performance of governmental health institutions and the enactment thereof

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 48 of 2018 on standards for assessing the quality of health services, and models of indicators for measuring the performance of governmental health institutions and the enactment thereof

The Special health requirements for the founding of poultry farms

The Special health requirements for the founding of poultry farms

the Special health requirements for educational institutions

the Special health requirements for educational institutions

The Health requirements for bird and pet shops

The Health requirements for bird and pet shops

the Health requirements for workers' housing

the Health requirements for workers' housing

the Sanitary requirements concerning tanning plants and animal residues

the Sanitary requirements concerning tanning plants and animal residues

the Health requirements concerning shops and businesses subject to licensing and health control by the Department of Environmental Health

the Health requirements concerning shops and businesses subject to licensing and health control by the Department of Environmental Health

the Health requirements concerning shops and businesses subject to licensing and health control by the Consumer Safety Group - the Environmental Health Department

the Health requirements concerning shops and businesses subject to licensing and health control by the Consumer Safety Group - the Environmental Health Department

The National Organisation for the Regulation of Occupations and Health Services Circular no. 11 of 2017 on the practice of testing expatriate workforce

The National Organisation for the Regulation of Occupations and Health Services Circular no. 11 of 2017 on the practice of testing expatriate workforce

The National Organisation for the Regulation of Occupations and Health Services Circular No. 7 of 2017 on the Importation of Medical Devices and Supplies

The National Organisation for the Regulation of Occupations and Health Services Circular No. 7 of 2017 on the Importation of Medical Devices and Supplies

The National Organisation for the Regulation of Occupations and Health Services Circular No. 8 of 2017 about the Standards and Guidelines for Dentistry

The National Organisation for the Regulation of Occupations and Health Services Circular No. 8 of 2017 about the Standards and Guidelines for Dentistry

a Circular about the extension of the service regarding some government employees subject to the provisions of Law No. 13 for the year 1975 after the age of 60 for reasons concerning the public interest

a Circular about the extension of the service regarding some government employees subject to the provisions of Law No. 13 for the year 1975 after the age of 60 for reasons concerning the public interest

Circular No. 2 of 2017 about the fines for delaying applications concerning the renewal of licenses for health professionals

Circular No. 2 of 2017 about the fines for delaying applications concerning the renewal of licenses for health professionals

Circular No. 6 of 2017 to all health institutions in the Kingdom on the Recommendations about the possible risks of fluid-filled stomach balloon systems used to treat obesity

Circular No. 6 of 2017 to all health institutions in the Kingdom on the Recommendations about the possible risks of fluid-filled stomach balloon systems used to treat obesity

Act No. 1 of 2017 about Protecting society from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and protecting the rights of persons living with it

Act No. 1 of 2017 about Protecting society from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and protecting the rights of persons living with it

Law No. 26 of 2017 about the use of medical techniques for artificial insemination and fertilisation

Law No. 26 of 2017 about the use of medical techniques for artificial insemination and fertilisation

The Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 11 of 2017 concerning the founding and formation of the Health Laboratories and Biosafety Committee

The Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 11 of 2017 concerning the founding and formation of the Health Laboratories and Biosafety Committee

The Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 15 of 2017 about the classification of health institutions, health and technical requirements and safety requirements to be met in the facilities and equipment thereof

The Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 15 of 2017 about the classification of health institutions, health and technical requirements and safety requirements to be met in the facilities and equipment thereof

The Supreme Council of Health Decree No. 17 of 2017 on the Issuing of the Regulations for the Procedures and Controls of Citizens' Resettlement for Treatment Abroad

The Supreme Council of Health Decree No. 17 of 2017 on the Issuing of the Regulations for the Procedures and Controls of Citizens' Resettlement for Treatment Abroad

The Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 23 of 2017 on the Standards and Requirements for Licenses concerning Practitioners of Health Professions"

The Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 23 of 2017 on the Standards and Requirements for Licenses concerning Practitioners of Health Professions"

The Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 36 of 2017 about the institution and formation of the General Committee for the Dictionary of Data and Standards concerning Health Information Systems

The Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 36 of 2017 about the institution and formation of the General Committee for the Dictionary of Data and Standards concerning Health Information Systems

The Supreme Council of Health Decree No. 41 of 2017 about issuing a Tracking and Tracing System concerning the supply and provision chain of medicines in the Kingdom of Bahrain

The Supreme Council of Health Decree No. 41 of 2017 about issuing a Tracking and Tracing System concerning the supply and provision chain of medicines in the Kingdom of Bahrain

The Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 8 of 2017 about the amendment of some provisions of the Regulations for the Registration of Medicines in the National Authority for the Control of Health Occupations and Services, issued by Decree No. 12 of 2015

The Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 8 of 2017 about the amendment of some provisions of the Regulations for the Registration of Medicines in the National Authority for the Control of Health Occupations and Services, issued by Decree No. 12 of 2015

Ministry of Health Decree No. 17 of 2017 on the System regarding the Licensing of Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors

Ministry of Health Decree No. 17 of 2017 on the System regarding the Licensing of Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors

Ministry of Health Decree No. 17 of 2017 on the System regarding the Licensing of Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors

Ministry of Health Decree No. 17 of 2017 on the System regarding the Licensing of Narcotics, Psychotropic Substances and Precursors

Ministry of Health Decree No. 18 of 2017 on fees for licenses of narcotics, psychotropic substances and precursors

Ministry of Health Decree No. 18 of 2017 on fees for licenses of narcotics, psychotropic substances and precursors

Ministry of Health Decree No. 2 of 2017 on fees for health services for non-Bahrainis

Ministry of Health Decree No. 2 of 2017 on fees for health services for non-Bahrainis

Ministry of Health Decision No. 25 of 2017 about the amendment of some provisions of Decree No. 15 of 2016 about the operating system regarding the Committee of Accountability of the National Organisation concerning the Regulation of Occupations and Health Services

Ministry of Health Decision No. 25 of 2017 about the amendment of some provisions of Decree No. 15 of 2016 about the operating system regarding the Committee of Accountability of the National Organisation concerning the Regulation of Occupations and Health Services

Ministry of Health Decree No. 30 of 2017 about the regulation of medical examination regarding expatriates

Ministry of Health Decree No. 30 of 2017 about the regulation of medical examination regarding expatriates

Ministry of Health Decree No. 34 of 2017 regarding the addition of reserve members to the "Composition of the Committee of Accountability of the National Organisation for the Regulation of Occupations and Health Services

Ministry of Health Decree No. 34 of 2017 regarding the addition of reserve members to the "Composition of the Committee of Accountability of the National Organisation for the Regulation of Occupations and Health Services

Ministry of Health Decree No. 5 of 2017 on the identification of narcotics and psychotropic substances, which doctors may prescribe in their private clinics

Ministry of Health Decree No. 5 of 2017 on the identification of narcotics and psychotropic substances, which doctors may prescribe in their private clinics

Decree No. 67 of 2017 concerning the reconstitution of the Ministry of Health

Decree No. 67 of 2017 concerning the reconstitution of the Ministry of Health

Supreme Council of Health Decree No 41 of 2018 on amending Article 6 of the Ordinances regulating the work of the Supreme Council of Health and the formation and organisation of the Technical Council Secretariat issued by Decree No 1 of 2013

Supreme Council of Health Decree No 41 of 2018 on amending Article 6 of the Ordinances regulating the work of the Supreme Council of Health and the formation and organisation of the Technical Council Secretariat issued by Decree No 1 of 2013

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 29 of 2020 regarding the regulation of the system of examinations for the exercise of health professions in the National Authority for the Regulation of Health Professions and Services

Supreme Council of Health Decision No. 29 of 2020 regarding the regulation of the system of examinations for the exercise of health professions in the National Authority for the Regulation of Health Professions and Services

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (84) of 2021 determining the applicable level of the health requirements manual for the mechanism of work of the light signal for the level of spread of the emerging corona virus (COVID-19)

Ministry of Health Resolution No. (84) of 2021 determining the applicable level of the health requirements manual for the mechanism of work of the light signal for the level of spread of the emerging corona virus (COVID-19)

Supreme Council of Health Resolution No. (74) of 2021 amending Resolution No. (40) of 2016 regarding the validity period of licenses for health professionals and the conditions for their renewal

Supreme Council of Health Resolution No. (74) of 2021 amending Resolution No. (40) of 2016 regarding the validity period of licenses for health professionals and the conditions for their renewal